
DentalXChange provides a unique opportunity for developers of dental software products to bring fully integrated EDI services to their clients and maintain direct connectivity with payers. By utilizing our tools, you are assured that your software is not only competitive, but at the forefront of the market.

Vendor Benefits

  • Direct connectivity to Payers
  • Secure data transfer protocols
  • HIPAA compliance
  • Robust web-based user interface
  • Patient Statement services (Print or e-Delivery)
  • Real-Time claim processing for selected payers
  • Generous revenue opportunities
  • Industry leading training and support professionals to train and assist your clients
  • Integrated financial services including:
    • Direct posting of credit/debit card payments
    • Patient Financing programs
    • Electronic EOBs
  • Real-Time Eligibility and Benefit plan information available two ways:
    • Simple on-line interface
    • Integrated WebServices

Integrated Vendor List

The following list of vendors represents some of the vendors who have chosen to implement transactions in our ClaimConnect environment.

Other Compatible Software

Because of tremendous interest by the provider community, we have developed unique technological solutions that enable us to accept claims from a multitude of other practice management software programs. Additional compatible programs include:

Computer Age

DataTrac / DOX

Dental Vision


Discus Dental


Easy Dental





Suzy Dental


and many more...

Contact us today to find out how a partnership with DentalXChange can set your products apart from the pack. Call 800.576.6412 ext. 459 or complete our partnering contact form.